The one true goal of this website is:
- To find philosophical truth.
This can be broken down into four different goals.
- Storage: We can't solve and think about everything at once, so we need to store data.
- Sharing: The only point in storing data is to retrieve and share it later on. Hence, sharing is the second goal.
- Usability: Both storing and sharing require easily being able to handle the data. The information must be easy to store, easy to find, easy to share, easy to understand, etc.
- Comprehensiveness: When dealing with a lot of data is no longer an obstacle, we can approach the most complex, interconnected issues out there and truly aspire to understand everything.
- Consistency: Data is only valuable if one can draw the right conclusions from it. When all the cards are on the table, it becomes easier to find inconsistencies and mistakes, self-reflect and create consistent and tested truths.